Breaking News

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019


Hello , recite epic scoop, resides in you do and say what you know, is good online space that
will allow you
 to report
and inform easily because
 it spreads your news and others.

Information and news are two and a half s coming together so you can Get the right communications
to make good decisions in your actions.
 The narration and dissemination of documents have been fundamental for the
development of human societies, so the review transmitted in online or physical
media are so crucial for the people.

It must matter and interest the greatest number of people. Person. You,
me, etc.
se of the information of the media for one reason or another. AND REMEMBER THAT KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY IT GIVES TO SUCCESS. Introduction To Basic Electronics Hands-on Mini Course is the very well option.  

The greater the number of readers reached, the website or other
means of communication, its impact and connection with that segment of the
population will be closer.
 The journalistic note is an
informative text par excellence and it is in the one that best applies that of
the indicated characteristics for the writing of a news.

Construction of news, it is a free will to license to choose from
a set of criteria, operations and instruments for innumerable facts a limited
amount of news.

It is based on the news-values ​​that are criteria and operations
used to define which events are significant and interesting to be transformed
into news.
are three ways to obtain information: Be present at the event and provide
information coverage: the biggest problem is that the news is, a priori,

Documentation: the information is not new in its entirety, so it
is appropriate to recover the previous published information about the event.

Information source: everyone who provides the information. The
best journalist has the most information sources, although sometimes the
problem is in the quality of the sources.

The main characteristics of the news in the written press are the
following: Truthfulness: the facts or events must be true.

Clarity: the facts must be the most coherent.

Brevity: the facts should be presented briefly ..

Generality: the news must be of social interest and not particular.

Actuality: the facts must be current or recent.

Novelty: events must be new, unusual or rare.

Human interest: the news must be capable of producing an affective
or emotional response in the recipients.

Proximity: the events delivered cause greater interest if they are
close to the receiver.

Prominence: the news causes more interest if the people involved
are important or known.

Consequence: everything that affects the lives of people has news

Opportunity: The faster a news event becomes known, the greater
the value it has.

Outcome: some news keep the interest of the public awaiting the
outcome that can be surprising.

Topic: the news related to certain areas that are attractive to
the human being in itself: scientific advances.

Service: A news item may be perceived as such depending on the
service it provides.
 That helps to make decisions.

The news is an account of a current event, which arouses the
interest of the public.

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