Varicel what It is and how it is transmitted. Chickenpox is transmitted directly from person to person by touching the someone blisters or through infected saliva or flows Nasal. The virus can also be pass through of the airwhen you cough or sneeze The blisters drying and present a crust they can no longer spread chickenpox.
Chickenpox Smallpox are the same. Is It is the most important of the diseases what they can confused with smallpox . The cause of chickenpox is other type of virus. In smallpox there is a period of 2 to 4 days of feverbefore the onset of the rash , while that chicken pox fever and rash appear at the same weather
Chickenpox is contagious. chickenpox is contagious approximately five days before the bud appears until five days later. The crusts are not the contagious , as is believed popularly.
Chickenpox which one It's the vaccine. Exists a vaccine combined called SPRV, which contains both Varicella as the vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella. The SPRV is a option for Some children from 12 months upto 12 years old.
Chickenpox which one It is the period of contagion. A person with chickenpox result plus contagious one or two day before the rash appears and until such time as they dry the blisters and formen a scab. People with asystem immunological weakened they can be contagious for a period of time plus extended.
Chickenpox which one It is the treatment. In children without other diseases , chickenpox does not usually to require treatment doctor. The doctor can prescribe a antihistamine for relieve itching, but usually leave that thedisease follow its course.
Chickenpox which one is the name scientist. Varicella Zoster. East is the name scientific chickenpox virus, which is distinguished by produce nail stains red what cause itching.
Chickenpox who discovered it. It was described by first once in the sixteenth century, for different authors with the term Cristalli or Verol steering wheel . The expression chickenpox It was granted by Daniel Sennert in 1632. Only the doctor English William Heberden produced a distinction clear between chicken pox and smallpox .
Chickenpox what weather hard. Occurs between 10 and 21 days after exposure to the virus and often last from 5 to 10 days . The eruption cutaneous it is the sign plus clear of chickenpox . Among the signs andsymptoms , that they can appear between one and two days before the eruption cutaneous , include: Fever .
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