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martes, 7 de mayo de 2019


Varicel what It is and how it is transmitted. Chickenpox is transmitted directly from person to person by touching the someone blisters or through infected saliva or flows Nasal. The virus can also be pass through of the airwhen you cough or sneeze The blisters drying and present a crust they can no longer spread chickenpox.

Chickenpox Smallpox are the same. Is It is the most important of the diseases what they can confused with smallpox . The cause of chickenpox is other type of virus. In smallpox there is a period of 2 to 4 days of feverbefore the onset of the rash , while that chicken pox fever and rash appear at the same weather

Chickenpox is contagious. chickenpox is contagious approximately five days before the bud appears until five days later. The crusts are not the contagious , as is believed popularly.

Chickenpox which one It's the vaccine. Exists a vaccine combined called SPRV, which contains both Varicella as the vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella. The SPRV is a option for Some children from 12 months upto 12 years old.

Chickenpox which one It is the period of contagion. A person with chickenpox result plus contagious one or two day before the rash appears and until such time as they dry the blisters and formen a scab. People with asystem immunological weakened they can be contagious for a period of time plus extended.

Chickenpox which one It is the treatment. In children without other diseases , chickenpox does not usually to require treatment doctor. The doctor can prescribe a antihistamine for relieve itching, but usually leave that thedisease follow its course.

Chickenpox which one is the name scientist. Varicella Zoster. East is the name scientific chickenpox virus, which is distinguished by produce nail stains red what cause itching.

Chickenpox who discovered it. It was described by first once in the sixteenth century, for different authors with the term Cristalli or Verol steering wheel . The expression chickenpox It was granted by Daniel Sennert in 1632. Only the doctor English William Heberden produced a distinction clear between chicken pox and smallpox .

Chickenpox what weather hard. Occurs between 10 and 21 days after exposure to the virus and often last from 5 to 10 days . The eruption cutaneous it is the sign plus clear of chickenpox . Among the signs andsymptoms , that they can appear between one and two days before the eruption cutaneous , include: Fever .

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Varicela que es y cómo se transmite. Se transmite directamente de persona en persona al tocar las ampollas de alguien infectado o a través de su saliva o flujos nasales. El virus también se puede transmitir a través del aire al toser o estornudar. ... Las ampollas que se secan y presentan una costra ya no pueden contagiar la varicela.

Varicela viruela son lo mismo. Ésta es la más significativa de las enfermedades que pueden confundirse con la viruela. El germen de la varicela es otro tipo de virus. En la viruela hay un periodo de 2 a 4 días de fiebre antes de la aparición de la erupción, mientras que en la varicela la fiebre y el exantema aparecen al mismo tiempo

La varicela son contagiosas. Es contagiosa aproximadamente cinco días antes de que aparezca el brote hasta cinco días después . Las costras no son las contagiosas, como se cree popularmente.

Varicela cual es la vacuna. Existe una vacuna compuesta denominada SPRV, que contiene tanto la vacuna contra la varicela como las vacunas contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola. La SPRV es una opción para algunos niños desde 12 meses hasta 12 años de edad.

Varicela cual es el periodo de contagio. Los individuos con varicela resulta más contagiosa uno o dos día antes de que aparezca la erupción y hasta el momento en que se sequen las ampollas y formen una costra. Las personas con un sistema inmunológico debilitado pueden ser contagiosas durante un período de tiempo más prolongado.

Varicela cual es el tratamiento. En niños sin otras enfermedades, la varicela no suele requerir tratamiento médico. El médico puede recetar un antihistamínico para aliviar la picazón, pero lo habitual es dejar que la enfermedad siga su curso.

Varicela cual es el nombre científico
. Varicela Zoster. Éste es el nombre científico del virus de la varicela, que se distingue por producir unas manchas rojas que causan picazón.

Varicela quien la descubrió. Diferentes autores reseñaron el término Cristalli o Verol volante. La expresión varicela fue otorgado por Daniel Sennert en 1632. Sólo el médico inglés William Heberden produjo una distinción clara entre la varicela y la viruela. Fue descrita por primera vez en el siglo XVI,

Varicela que tiempo dura. Se presenta entre 10 y 21 días después de la exposición al virus y suele durar de 5 a 10 días. La erupción cutánea es el indicio más claro de la varicela. Entre los signos y síntomas, que pueden aparecer entre uno y dos días antes de la erupción cutánea, se incluyen: Fiebre.

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domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019


Haiti seeks ba in the more than four million Haitians living outside the country and regional Caribbean market positioning as a tourist destination and trusted this industry to lift its image and economy, he told Efe the Minister of Tourism, Stéphanie Villedrouin.

The Antillean country was the guest of honor of the Sixteenth Caribbean Tourist Bag, which brings together representatives and authorities from the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Central and South America, Mexico, the United States and Europe. it may interest you

Stéphanie Villedrouin, former Minister of Tourism of Haiti, present or at the time the pro yectos of your apartment in this event and signed the country should maintain its focus on the opportunities that tourism can generate for industry, agriculture and other sectors that, thanks to the income that came from this sector, would be able to get up and contribute to a better economic performance.

For Villedrouin, would be key members of the diaspora, about four million Haitians living abroad, among whom is looking for tourists who wish to visit your country tourist regions that already existed, and l interest of the Government ba focuses also in business trips, the one practiced by the representatives of the numerous non-governmental organizations present in the country and, above all, those of the multinationals to which the Executive intends to persuade them to invest in Haiti.

Along with this, he said, the people who would come to do leisure tourism , would also end up going to invest, because she understood that the Haiti of those days was a land of opportunities . But what has happened since I made those affirmations positive and optimistic.

To this he added in his reference the importance of the existence of suitable places for tourist developments. S eñaló the minister, who mentioned an agreement in this regard with the National Fund for Tourism Development (Fonatur) of Mexico.

The Caribbean country registered in 2010 the arrival of some 250,000 tourists and in 2011 about 310,000. The Haitian Government proposed a gradual growth and in 2014 achieve to add 3,500 rooms to the current 2,500.

In Haiti, 80 percent of the nearly ten million people live in extreme poverty, with less than two dollars a day, mostly in Port-au-Prince, the capital. This reality contributes to generate prejudices that hinder the boost to tourism .

In the words of the minister in that interview, the people had no idea that Haiti had beautiful beaches and has an interesting craft, that It has a very dignified population, and that is because of the bad reputation of the last fifteen years, because of the political problems and the earthquake , which caused a lot of destruction , I point out .

However, his department would work to clearly spread the message that the earthquake did not destroy all of Haiti, it was a part, there are areas, like the south, that were not affected.

- We have infrastructure projects, airports so that customers can get directly to those areas without going through the capital . These projects are joined by an image campaign that counts among its main axes with the dissemination of a newly created logo to promote Haitian tourism , those were some of his statements to highlight things that Haiti would be worth visiting .

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sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019

Investment and marketing

With marketing work and you should obtain the necessary money in abundance card to deserve success. What is success for you? I do not know! But whatever your idea of ​​success, you will have to take care of doing what should be done and above all a very important thing, do not skimp on any effort because one more penny in investment , plus one meter walking and a few more minutes learning about some things What you need to know is what will make the difference.

To work in one direction, it is your choice and because that is the alternative chosen by you, it will be your obligation to pay the price that is necessary to obtain the much desired " success card ". Money , all of us besides wanting to have it to give us one that other little gifts of personal mimes, we can not deny that it is necessary to have it in enough abundance to be able to lead a dignified life.

Investment and marketing, financing is the oper ation of designating resources to afford an embodiment, which in your case should be to achieve financial success. And the sale is the means by which to achieve return of the transaction made with the obtaining of the success card for a full life and abundance, and to be happy, and to do it to theirs equally.

Have Personal Success E t is associated c on the ability to achieve the goals you prop ones. Being successful is an individual matter, because the goals depends ra n your state reasons, interest in paying the price of success.

And therefore it is the finalisation of the self-imposed task with a beneficial purpose . It is your own satisfaction, for having reached the successful completion of a task you chose to perform . R ec uerde that'll Be mindfultimes you had success do you owe.

On the other hand, success is not for those who deserve it, but for those who keep trying until they reach it without thinking about fatigue and resource sacrifices because the road to it is one of tracks in one takes and in the other you bring. I recommend this source and do what you should to bring what you are looking for.

Enjoy your success entirely because you have paid the price to obtain it you deserve it equally or more than anyone else do not forget, meet people explore Dubai, Spain, Brazil, Turkey or any other country or a place of your own that makes you happy.

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viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019


Love. affective feeling between beings, producer of relationship and emotional attachment resulting from a series of attitudes, and experiences. E s a virtue representing tod tenderness, kindness and compassion of being ctions are directed toward others. Based on compassion, seo passion and intimacy of romantic love is asexual emotional closeness.

Although the love of sexual proximity stands out above the other affective manifestations, the Family bond is among the strongest human feelings. Platonic, and even the deep devotion of religious love or unity, love among the various forms of expression of sympathy.

Religion transcends feeling and comes to be considered the manifestation of a state of soul or mind, identified with God himself or with the force that holds the universe together.

Marital Crisis

The end of everything we do is achieve happiness. Sometimes the couple reaches a point where coexistence is unbearable, plagued by arguments, but sometimes we do not know what happens to us, apparently there is no serious problem in the couple, but we do not feel totally satisfied and doubts arise about the relationship.

When we are immersed in a marriage crisis, confrontations and divergences arise. If the doubts are getting bigger and bigger and overcoming the marriage crisis is not a priority, the union faces a serious risk of dissolving.


The therapy Sexual and couple provides Benefits when the relationship is going through a crisis, but if you suspect that the following on the list are the basis of the conflict may be: Premature ejaculation, Low sexual desire, absence of orgasm in women, Delayed ejaculation, Pain to vaginal penetration.

How to save a marriage

Save your marriage . If your marriage is in crisis, the task of saving the relationship may seem daunting, but it will be worth every sacrifice you make in the direction of saving it. Even if you feel being exhausting commitment among partners seeking more aid n, being comprometid you n ra manages to save his marriage, making resurface as the day prevail and work.

Couples in crisis are usually focused on anything but their marriage. At that moment it is essential to open the channels to channels that allow finding how to maintain oneself in the relationship . This means thinking about the various activities and tools available to you , my recommendation.

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Amor. sentimiento afectivo entre seres, productor de relaciones y apego emocional resultante de una serie de actitudes, y experiencias que en ocasiones para toda la vida. si, para toda la vida. 

Amor para toda la vida.  Solo pueda es una relación en la que es primero nosotros y no el tú y luego yo, o quién da más, eso se deja para las competencias. En una relación equilibrada lo correcto es siempre nosotros. por supuesto nadie te regala una relación perfecta, no existe. La relación se crea cada día y requiere de un gran esfuerzo por ambas partes. Lo único que puedo decir es que no deberíamos querer cambiar a la otra persona, solo así se logra tal compenetración, espero les sirva esto sirva a algunas parejas que estén todavía a tiempo de mejorar sus relaciones: No invites ni al aburrimiento ni a la pereza a tu vida.

El amor es una virtud que representa toda la ternura, la bondad y la compasión del ser, son acciones dirigidas hacia otros. Basadas en compasión, deseo pasional y de intimidad, es del amor romántico la proximidad emocional asexual.

Aunque el amor de proximidad sexual se destaca por encima de las demás manifestaciones afectivas, el vínculo familiar se encuentra entre los más fuertes sentimientos humanos. El amor platónico,​ y hasta la profunda devoción o unidad del amor religioso, se cuentan entre las diversas formas de expresión de simpatía.

La religión trasciende del sentimiento y pasa a considerarse la manifestación de un estado del alma o de la mente, identificada con Dios mismo o con la fuerza que mantiene unido el universo.

Crisis matrimonial

El fin de todo lo que hacemos es alcanzar la felicidad. A veces la pareja llega a un punto en que la convivencia es insoportable, plagada de discusiones, pero otras veces no sabemos qué nos pasa, aparentemente no hay ningún problema grave en la pareja, pero no nos sentimos totalmente satisfechos y surgen las dudas sobre la relación.

Cuando estamos inmersos en una crisis matrimonial surgen los enfrentamientos y las divergencias. Si las dudas se van haciendo cada vez más grandes y superar la crisis matrimonial no supone una prioridad, la unión se enfrenta a un grave riesgo de disolverse.


La terapia sexual y de pareja brinda beneficios cuando la relación está atravesando por una crisis, mas si sospecha que las siguientes en la lista son la base del conflicto pueden ser: Eyaculación precoz, Bajo deseo sexual, ausencia de orgasmo en la mujer, Eyaculación retardada, Dolor a la penetración vaginal.

Como salvar un matrimonio

Salvar tu matrimonio. Si tu matrimonio está en crisis, la tarea de salvar la relación puede parecer desalentadora, pero valdrá cada sacrificio que hagas en la dirección de salvarlo. Aunque sientas que está siendo agotador, el compromiso entre los miembros de la pareja mas las ayudas que busquen, por estar comprometidos lograran salvar su matrimonio, haciendo que resurja como el primar día y funcione.

Las parejas en crisis están por lo general enfocadas en cualquier cosa menos en su matrimonio. En ese momento es esencial abrir las vías a canales que permitan encontrar como mantener se en la relación. Esto significa pensar en las variadas actividades y herramientas disponibles a su alcance, mi recomendación.


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jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019


October 2, 2018. A day later, because yesterday it was inaugurated in the Cultural Center of Spain of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the exhibition of photographs of the EFE Agency.

Titled 50 years in fifty photos. It was a very nice act yesterday, and I found out from the press that it was very crowded and today being past seven o'clock at night you can see through a multitude of public present illustrious character of incidence in the Society in both the public, political and economic administration of the Dominican Republic.

Images everywhere, in a truism I know, because it was an exhibition of photography, but make that emphasis to highlight, in particular an image that I call my attention.

Yamilet Peña Santa Malta Colombia 2017, the Dominican Republic is captured in a competition pose where its extremities, both lower and upper are observed well extended.

It is a risky position but it was worth the throw to make it worthy of the bronze medal, although it has been benefited by a norm, but she did not invent it. Since, the Colombians Dayana Ardila and Laura Pardo had a higher score than Yamilet Peña, but by regulation only two athletes from the same country can be awarded a prize.

That risky position that made her worthy of a score that allowed her to benefit, but the slightest mistake would disqualify her and finish everything for which she had to work and make an effort.

Regarding the application of the rule, the Colombians had obtained two medals for teams in the artistic gymnastics in the games, in the complete contest with Ginna Escobar Betancur and in the women's event.

Reason why given the regulations and the foregoing allowed the Dominican Peña bronze in the individual test.

In that test done in the Minor Coliseum of Santa Marta, Escobar Betancur obtained the golden medal with an accumulated score of 50,900. The silver and bronze medals were achieved, respectively, by his compatriot Melba Avendaño with 49,600 units and Peña with 48,800.

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As a result of making available to the public and potential readers of my book in the, as a freelance writer, entitled ..., I got slammed in the face.

After receiving that impact that left me numb, not so much pain, but it was a surprise rather than unpleasant to have seen and lived the harsh reality. Book marketingMarketing a book to its potential reader requires hard work.

At that time I became aware that while it is true that writing is not a gentle trade, much less it was to make known what is written.

It would be worth nothing, or at least not much, to write before the impossibility of making known what is written, something that forced me to stop the subsequent work and devote myself to collect some information.

In that installment, considered the first of many I will leave you exposed four points that I consider very important to get an idea of ​​what needs to be done and why the road is going to start walking to achieve the objectives.

Some of which I thought worthy to share with you, my dear independent writer, because I know that it has to be very helpful for you, since you are the one who besides writing your books must also be in charge of promoting them.

1 C onoce your target audience

I found this point interesting. Why? Because once you know the audience for which you are writing, you can give better follow-up to offer the other information you are looking for, to through of your social networks or any other relevant means.

How much I discovered, it made a lot of sense because it's ugly and it serves to reach and hook on your wall, it's my book here, buy it, without knowing, because your followers have not been tested, if you have, to know if they read and if they do it

What do they read ? You do not know because you never published information about the topic you wrote about to test their reactions, so it's good to know your audience and work with them and for them in a "disinterested" way so that the future can count with that person so that they can buy and make known your strong content, that this case, for you, write your books and You will be compensated.

It should not be a secret for you that social networks are the point where everything begins now, if you offer information that is useful to that audience, "for whom you work", they will become your loyal followers and begin to believe in you and your recommendations

two Offer information from others

It consists of letting your audience know about the latest news, putting into circulation a book that you have heard about and that you think is worth reading. Only if, sincerely, you consider it good, remember and never forget that while you are writing on your social networks or some other medium, you will be a disinterested server, who is watching to get the best information to this audience that follows you, and does so because You know and you are offering what you really need.

3 Inquiries in the networks

In that circumstance is to follow the new trends in the market of your books, trying to discover in them some advantages to create better content and promote it to reach more people for whom you work as a server, faster and simpler.

I warn you if you are new in that world of literature and independent writer, here you do not give anything, you have to do the tasks, hard as they are, because only then will the expected results come.

4 Be creative and daring

That is, because a certain marketing tactic has not been put into practice does not mean that it is bad, so if you intuit and it is not contrary to the ethical and judicial put it in motion to see where it takes you because if it becomes unproductive, you will know it as soon as possible and will not repeat it, but probably immediately discover some other things that you Iran be useful. It will be all for the moment, see you in the next delivery.

Oh, if you discover some other things before me please leave it in your comments! Remember that we all work to serve a very demanding and anxious public of good information and it is in a certain way scarce. Or it is convenient to think that it is A) Yes!

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